icon locaties Edumundo App Theme set - Personal Development

Personal Development

It's time to become the best version of you! Dive into our Personal Development line and explore mental health, digital savvy, and self-growth.

Discover strategies to boost your well-being and harness the power of technology.




Personal Development - Digital literacy

In the higher education sector nowadays, it is challenging to assure that their graduates are digitally literate (Frazel, 2010). Many employers acknowledge that higher education institutions are failing to adequately guide graduates in the area of digital literacy (Duggan, 2013) (Khan, et all, March 2022).

Use The Edumundo App to engage students in developing their digital literacy.

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Personal Development - Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI has arrived in Higher Education, embrace the positives with BrightBirds: How can students use AI in a safe way to enhance the way they are studying?

BrightBirds teaches how to use AI in a safe and responsible way.



Personal Development - Vitality

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in mental health struggles among many students. In just 6 years student anxiety in Higher Education jumped from 17% to 31%. The COVID-19 pandemic brought this issue to the forefront. University students in 2020 reported a rapid spike in anxiety and depression. 70% of university presidents see student mental health as their most pressing issue. (Roberts, 2022).

Use BrightBirds as an innovative way too boost wellbeing among your students.

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  • Duggan, F. (2013). Why universities should acquire – and teach – digital literacy. The Guardian. Geraadpleegd op: Why universities should acquire – and teach – digital literacy | Students |The Guardian.
  • Frazel, M. (2010). Digital storytelling guide for educators. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
  • Khan, N., Sarwar, A., Chen, T. B., &
    Khan, S. (2022). Connecting digital literacy in higher education to the 21st century workforce. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 14(1), 46–61. https://doi.org/10.34105/j.kmel.20 2.14.004 2.1
  • Roberts, R. (15 March 2022). How universities can support student mental health and wellbeing. World Economic Forum. Geraadpleegd op 20.10.2023 van How universities support student mental health and wellbeing | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)