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Engagement through gamification for companies

“The results show an overall significant medium effect size in favour of gamification over learning without gamification.”

Bai, Shurui & Hew, Khe & Huang, Biyun. (2020). 


Onboarding for companies

Why is onboarding for companies so important? 

  • 1 in 10 employees (9%) has left a company/organization due to a poor onboarding experience, according to research by CareerBuilder and Silkroad Technology.
  • When employees are engaged 87% of them are less likely to leave their company. Meaning they are 5 times less likely to leave compared to unengaged employees.
  • When a company has a great onboarding, 69% of employees are likely to stay for at least 3 years. (ApolloTechnical, 2023).
  • New employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58 percent more likely to be with the organization after three years.
  • And organizations with a standard onboarding process experience 50 percent greater new-hire productivity (Hirsch, 2017).

In our onboarding programme with The Edumundo App we bring the important aspects of onboarding together with engagement by using gamification.




This ensures that our onboarding leads to: 




Engagement at your conference

As an attendee, people’s expectations have changed. Focus on experiences — how to increase human interactions — and think through how people engage together, bringing in design and behavioral science. That’s how you make it engaging and fun.”

Carina Bauer, CEO, IMEX (Gordon-Bennett, 2023).


Attendee engagement at events

Attendee engagement at events/congresses gets increasingly more important. Attendee engagement refers to the active and meaningful involvement of participants in an event, which creates a dynamic and interactive experience. Engagment is important, here are three key reasons:

  1. If people are engaged, they’re more likely to remember your event and the messages that you’re trying to communicate
  2. Engaged attendees are more likely to take action on what they’ve learned.
  3. Engaged attendees are simply more enjoyable to be around and are more likely to return to future events. (Sleekevents, w.d.)

BrightBirds uses gamification to heighten the attendees' engagement by pushing challenges where attendees can participate in to earn points or rewards. For example, by visiting specific booths or completing tasks related to the event’s theme. These points could be redeemed for prizes or entered into a giveaway, adding excitement and friendly competition (Gordon-Bennett, 2023).


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Stages of engagement at your event

BrightBirds is exceptionally well-suited to increase engagement beforehand, conduct a live pulse check during the event with polls, test the knowledge of your attendees with quizzes, use push notifications to strengthen engagement opportunities, and let your attendees explore your event with a scavenger hunt. Afterwards, BrightBirds can, be used to gather feedback (Social Tables, n.d.)

In the monitoring dashboard, you can see both the app traffic and the results in real-time, allowing you, if desired, to respond to what is happening at the event by adding extra challenges.



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